I cannot recommend this book enough for its wonderful message, its beautiful writing and the love it contains within its words!
There is no feeling akin to gobbling up amazing short stories written by a host of stellar authors! It has been ages since I read an actual anthology and this book reminded me of the joys of reading. At first, I was very puzzled as to how I was going to review a collection of stories written by seventeen different authors, but then I decided that the best way is to write about everything I loved about this reading experience.
I loved that I got to shift from author to author. These authors are obviously masters of their own styles and it shows so well. I like that they didn’t stick to a strict story format, but went with what each person was comfortable with, so there was an entertaining mix of stories, poems, and a comic in here. It was honestly exciting to finish one story and move to the next one and wonder what this story was going to be like!
I liked the mix of genres. We get everyday situations, like funerals and first days at school, but there are also intergalactic games, spirits and a whole host of fantasy and sci-fi elements peppered all over this book. If I had read this as a child, I would have been endlessly thrilled by the variety here. There is literally anything for anyone!
The queer representation was just amazing! I teared up quite a few times reading some of the more heartwarming and touching stories in here. These stories really speak to the heart of the reader and are so emotionally charged, and I was so happy to see that in the middle-grade genre. I loved how the authors tackled accepting yourself and feeling like belonging in a community and family; all important and relevant themes that I am sure kids would relate to.
I loved the geographical diversity in the stories as well. There were stories that weaved together mythology from Trinidad, Guyana and other cultures. This brought in many great themes like feeling like you don’t belong when moving to a new place or even how to preserve that bit of culture in you when you are seas away. I loved that some authors mixed in aliens, spaceships and wizards into their stories too!
Lastly, I found it really endearing how many of the stories focused on the importance of family and sibling bonds. A few of these moments made me all teary-eyed, and I found so many relatable moments even as a 24-year-old! Absolutely touching!
I have always been a voracious reader, buying huge loads of books and borrowing all the books in my school library. When I started studying English Literature I developed my review skills and love giving in-depth reviews of my reads. I also hold an MBBS (Honours) so I dabble in medicine too!