Baby Zoo, I Love You is a sweet and adorable book that will bring a smile to your face because of its silliness.
At first, I thought this was another book about naming animals at the zoo - specially babies. But I was wrong.
This book describes the various behaviors and activities a baby experiences on a daily basis. These are described through silly animal names. Some of the names (which I personally enjoyed) were “wiggly piggly”, “chunky monkey”, “laugh giraffe”, and “snuggle buggle.” (All the names rhyme - I think that must have been tricky to come up with!)
The story will resonate with parents as they watch their little ones grow. All babies cry, get hungry, kick, fuss, and cuddle.
As parents, we will sometimes get frustrated at some of these emotions and behaviors like constant crying or kicking or spilling milk, but this story takes all those and makes turns them into funny instances.
This book is a great one to read to your little one over and over again. As they grow older, first you will laugh at the silliness - then they will laugh at the silly names of the animals. And at each stage, you will bond with them.
Aside from being able to bond with your little one, you can teach them the names of various different animals. You can even teach them colors as each page has a different background color and the animsls are different colors.
The illustrations are simple and sweet like the story. I really like the various bright colors used - gives a soft, happy tone to the story.
This is a book parents or caregivers of children with babies to kids age 2 (or even 3) should get. It makes a great gift as well.
Great work!