Abortion through the hands of a man: The struggles of a trusting woman

By Herman Kgotuwe Ledwaba

Herman Ledwaba

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2021

Loved it! 😍

When a woman finds herself with a man who was only looking for intimacy without commitment a chain of disastrous events begin to unravel.

A man that was only looking for intimacy without commitment finds himself in a steamy affair with one of his subordinates. When the woman realizes that she is pregnant the true character of the man is revealed, and the woman is driven to places she never thought existed. Isolated, manipulated, and continuosly lied to she is forced into commiting an abortion believing that it was beneficial for their relationship.

Abortion through the hands of a man highlights the struggles that women are faced with daily in a male dominated world. Although it is a women that end-up in abortion clinics on abortion tables the book shows the significant role that men play in the decision making process.

It is very refreshing that for a change an abortion story book is written by a man who admits the role he played in the process. Women who have gone through the same ordeal will read the book and find their healing in it. Men who have commited the same acts as the author of this book will relate and see themselves in this man. This is a beautifully narrated story of Lies, deceit, manipulation, guilt, remorse, forgiveness, and the grace that God keeps giving to His people.

There is a beautifully written chapter dedicated to educating the young men on how to handle themselves in relation to women. During a period where gender based violence, and women abuse is at its peak this book has surely come on time. There is no age restriction for the book, so anyone can just grab a copy and enjoy the truths in it. This book was written from the most vulnerable, transparent place I have ever seen. One of the books I can definetly say is worth a red. Get a copy and enjoy the ride.

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