legend of the vale
among the blue ice caves and foxglove
there lies a shadowy tale
two people madly in love
their story part of the glacial vale
there lies a shadowy tale
a bride in an ivory sequined dress
their story part of the glacial vale
a groom waiting to say yes
a bride in an ivory sequined dress
to have and to hold
a groom waiting to say yes
fates sealed with rings of gold
to have and to hold
two people madly in love
fates sealed with rings of gold
among the blue ice caves and foxglove
a woman once lived here
emerald eyes and bright smile
born on the last frontier
raised along the arctic mile
emerald eyes and bright smile
entranced by fireweed and forget-me-nots
raised along the arctic mile
danced among her momma’s flowerpots
entranced by fireweed and forget-me-nots
mindful of Bear and Caribou and Fox
danced among her momma’s flowerpots
bold and smart and curious
mindful of Bear and Caribou and Fox
born on the last frontier
bold and smart and curious
there once lived a woman named Octavia
a man once lived elsewhere
he had dark and kindly eyes
longing for adventure and fresh air
looking for his opportunity to rise
he had dark and kindly eyes
impatient with academia and theory
looking for his opportunity to rise
drawn to something extraordinary
impatient with academia and theory
he needed variation
drawn to something extraordinary
for meteoric discoveries and innovation
he needed variation
longing for adventure and fresh air
for meteoric discoveries and innovation
there once lived a man named Roen
there once lived an arctic queen
Fox, indigo-eyed and full of cheer
thriving, inquisitive, and keen
in the snowbanks of the last frontier
Fox, indigo-eyed and full of cheer
a huntress alert and aware
in the snowbanks of the last frontier
she had a family under her care
a huntress alert and aware
Fox looked for eggs to steal
she had a family under her care
listened for her next meal
Fox looked for eggs to steal
thriving, inquisitive, and keen
listened for her next meal
there once lived a queen named Fox
north to the future is what they call it
it’s beautiful and brutal
glaciers, wintergreens, and grit
people and animals rootle
it’s beautiful and brutal
exposed in the midnight sun
people and animals rootle
under the stealth of polar nights
exposed in the midnight sun
where the water is crystal clear
under the stealth of polar nights
people and animals discover their last frontier
where the water is crystal clear
glaciers, wintergreens, and grit
people and animals discover their last frontier
north to the future is what they call it
devil’s nettle
Octavia befriended the devil’s nettle
at an early age
yarrow filled her momma’s kettle
along with chamomile and sage
at an early age
her momma collected herbs
along with chamomile and sage
for all that ails and disturbs
her momma collected herbs
it relieved her sorrows and put her at ease
for all that ails and disturbs
but Momma’s teas couldn’t cure her own disease
it relieved her sorrows and put her at ease
yarrow filled her momma’s kettle
but Momma’s teas couldn’t cure her own disease
not even with devil’s nettle
last wish
live, my dear boy, live
Roen’s grandfather signed to him
run, my dear boy, run
find your own rhythm
Roen’s grandfather signed to him
it wouldn’t be much longer
find your own rhythm
Roen tried to be stronger
it wouldn’t be much longer
Grandfather closed his eyes
Roen tried to be stronger
promised his grandfather he’d try
Grandfather closed his eyes
run, my dear boy, run
promised his grandfather he’d try
live, my dear boy, live
bait and switch
pounce, pounce, pounce!
Fox prepares for the upcoming week
forages for every meaty ounce
listens for a prey’s chirp or squeak
Fox prepares for the upcoming week
devouring a lemming here and there
listens for a prey’s chirp or squeak
her mate almost catches a hare
devouring a lemming here and there
Fox must snatch meals for her kit
her mate almost catches a hare
captivated by a smell before she quit
Fox must snatch meals for her kit
forages for every meaty ounce
captivated by a smell before she quit
pounce, pounce, snap!
worlds colliding
life altering
somewhere magical
i want to go there
somewhere magical
scientific discoveries
i want to go there
endless possibilities
scientific discoveries
natural medicines
endless possibilities
it’s all right here
natural medicines
survival of the fittest
it’s all right here
civil, wild, intoxicating
survival of the fittest
they sense something wonderful
civil, wild, intoxicating
what’s over there?
they sense something wonderful
it’s magnetic
what’s over there?
it’s calling them
it’s magnetic
it’s the push, the pull
it’s calling them
it’s their destinies
it’s the push, the pull
it’s their destinies
life altering
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