Meet the best editors in the industry

Get editing services from the professionals who work with Suzanne Collins, Colleen Hoover, and Joyce Carol Oates to polish their bestsellers.

Choose the right editing service for you

What kind of editing do you need? Here are a few popular services to get you started:

Developmental Editing

Developmental editors find the gem within the ore of your early draft. They’ll provide guidance and feedback on core elements like structure, pacing, and characterization. They can also assess your book’s marketability.

With developmental editing, you can expect:

  • A detailed editorial letter with an analysis of your manuscript and specific revision suggestions
  • An annotated copy of your manuscript containing specific notes and edits

Copy Editing

Ready to supercharge your sentences? If you’re satisfied with the structure and content of your manuscript, a copy editor will dive into the sentence-level details. Their edits will clarify your ideas and strengthen your voice to ensure that your book captivates readers.

With copy editing, you can expect:

  • A thoroughly annotated version of your manuscript with tracked changes to easily identify edits
  • A style sheet listing standard spellings and formatting, which can later be referenced by your proofreader


Once your manuscript and design are complete, you’re ready for the final stage of the editing process. Proofreading services will put your manuscript under the microscope to eliminate errors and inconsistencies.

With proofreading, you can expect:

  • A final manuscript that has been meticulously proofread and corrected to the best of the proofreader’s ability

Editorial Assessment

Not sure where your manuscript stands? If you’re early on in drafting and want further direction on how to develop your manuscript, an editorial assessment can point you in the right direction. Have a finished draft that you want to publish? Get a professional perspective on whether it’s ready to query.

With an editorial assessment, you can expect:

  • A detailed editorial letter analyzing your manuscript and specific suggestions for where to take it

Discover more editing services

Reedsy has experts to support you at every stage of your publishing journey.

Get to know our editors

To get started on your search, meet some of our top-rated editors.

Robin R.

Southern Oregon

Experienced editor specializing in Christian fiction and nonfiction. Clients describe me as friendly, meticulous, and reliable.

Specializes in:
Biographies & Memoirs
Christian Non-Fiction
Health & Wellbeing

Louise S.

Somerville, NJ 08876, USA

A detail-oriented proofreader with experience in basic copyediting. I specialize in fiction, creative non-fiction, and memoirs.

Specializes in:
Humor & Comedy
Literary Fiction
Short Story
Young Adult
Action & Adventure

Margaret D.

New York, New York,

Published novelist and memoirist with extensive editing experience who takes pleasure in assisting other writers solve problems.

Specializes in:
Historical Fiction
Biographies & Memoirs
Literary Fiction

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How it works

Browse profiles, request quotes, then collaborate.

Step 1

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Reedsy is home to thousands of professionals. Select the specific editing services you need and narrow your search based on your book’s genre and requirements.

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Then, browse editors' profiles to find out more about their personalities and past projects.

Step 3

Request quotes

Request quotes from up to five editors at any time. They’ll look at your sample pages to give you a tailored quote as well as a sense of how they work.

Step 4


Once you agree on terms and a timeline, you’ll start collaborating using the many communication and editing tools available on Reedsy.

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Reedsy | Best Editors | 2024-09

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