Tracey C Ayres

Tracey C Ayres

Children, middle grade and young adult fictional author

Tracey C Ayres

@traceycayres -  Author

Tracey C's books

Live on Discovery

Gularian Islands

Ben Mason and his friends are travelling back to Australia from a holiday in the United States when their plane crash-lands on a remote island. The passengers try to stay alive and safe until rescue arrives. But strange things are happening, and the marooned passengers find out they are not alo...

Captain John is a bad old mean pirate who tries to plunder ships. But then he encounters a parrot who takes a fancy to his gold watch and decides to steal it. The parrot takes some coaxing from Captain John to give up the gold watch. Can this be the start of a unique and hilarious partnership?

Sally hated her glasses. One day she threw them and they became lost. She searched everywhere for them but couldn't find them. When strange footprints are found Sally becomes convinced the fairies stole her glasses. See how Sally's fluffy ginger cat brings them back.

A Mystery unfolds when pizza delivery boys along with their pizzas keep disappearing, mostly pepperoni pizzas. Keah is puzzled by strange noises that happen around the apartment building where she lives. With the help of her friends, Keah is determined to find out why these things are happening...

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About me
I live in Australia. I write under the pen name Tracey C Ayres. I have degrees in childcare, social work and mental health. I use to write articles for local newspapers. I love to write stories for children of all ages, paint and I'm also a keen photographer.
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