Sam Polakoff

Sam Polakoff

Sam Polakoff

@sampolakoff -  Author

Sam's books

Live on Discovery

Escaping Mercy

Toward the end of the 22nd century, world leaders, desperate to preserve Earth and its dwindling resources, agreed to ween the overpopulated planet through extraordinary means. The solution they chose was called Mercy. 150 years in the future, hundreds of millions are homeless and the sick are f...

Live on Discovery

An Inch from Oblivion

After being suspended from his job as a police detective, Dave Ostrinsky, needing a respite from his stress-filled life, rides his bike along a mountain trail and accidentally goes over a dangerous cliff. During emergency surgery, Dr. Ivy McDermott discovers a strange microdot in Ostrinsky's brai...

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About me
Sam specializes in writing medical and political thrillers with memorable characters to enhance his stories. ​Sam and his wife, Denise live in the great state of Maryland.
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