Neil Turner

Neil Turner

Author of the Tony Valenti Thrillers

Neil Turner

@neilturner -  Author

Neil's books

Live on Discovery

A House on Liberty Street

All Tony Valenti wanted was a chance to rebuild his shattered life in the refuge of his beloved childhood home. Instead, his father is arrested for murdering a cop, an unseen hand is maneuvering to condemn that very home… and now his ex-wife is threatening to take his teenage daughter away. De...

Live on Discovery

Plane in the Lake

“Turner has produced another devourable thriller.” SPR Review, ★★★★½ A loving family taking a little boy on his first airplane ride. A rookie pilot desperate to sleep off too much champagne from last night’s party. A sightseeing flight over Lake Michigan. What could go wrong? When the well-...

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About me
The Tony Valenti Thriller series now totals 8 books. Thousands of readers rate the books an average of 4 1/2 stars. The first 7 books have appeared on Amazon's 100 Best Seller lists for legal, crime, and conspiracy thrillers. Find out what all the excitement is about. Neil lives in Ottawa, Canada
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