Lydia Peever

Lydia Peever

Lydia Peever

@lydiapeever -  Author

Lydia's books

Macabre tales of alienation, terror, and the supernatural... Take a seat in a darkened theatre for Wormwoods Final Cut, then cast a wary glance at the scarecrow Staked in the fallow field. Gaze across strange shores, All White and Jagged, and too far away from the safety of a library holding Gra...

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About me
Lydia Peever is a horror author living in Ottawa. Her debut novel, Nightface, was published in 2011 and short stories have appeared in Postscripts To Darkness, Dark Moon Digest, For When The Veil Drops, Memento Mori, The Wicked Library, and her small collections, Pray Lied Eve 1 and Pray Lied Eve 2.
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