H.H.  Hauser

H.H. Hauser

Author Of Miles & the Moon Cave: An Exciting Adventure Book For Boys

H.H. Hauser

@hhhauser -  Author

H.H. 's books

Live on Discovery

Miles and the Moon Cave

The son of a wealthy miner, Miles Dobbs lives a life under the rule of his new stepmother. He enjoys neither his father’s company nor the life he was accustomed too as he’s sent away to a dilapidated boarding school. His life is confined to an old broken-down school who caters very little to his ...

This book is going to take you on an amazing tour of 4 of the world’s oldest civilizations. In this first instalment of 101 Facts about Ancient Civilizations for Kids, we’ll be exploring Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, and China. You’ll be learning about some of the zaniest fun-facts that there are to...

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About me
H.H. Hauser is an author who loves telling stories and loves creating worlds that are full of fantastical possibilities. As a boy H.H. had a fascination for exploring the unknown. Whether searching caves, abandoned buildings or even questioning how things work, he could not stop learning.
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