Emily Searle

Emily Searle

If you are creating you are succeeding. I say this so that I can convince myself that I have not failed at anything ever.

Emily Searle

@emilysearle3756 -  Author

Emily's books

Live on Discovery

Being Illegitimate

Lev has been running a successful blackmailing operation out of his boarding school since he was a kid and it’s gone off without a hitch for years. Now that he’s about to graduate, it seems a very inconvenient time to fall in love - especially while the principal is playing dangerous games with L...

Live on Discovery

To Keep Us In

Adjusting to life outside the cult-like commune where they were raised has been more difficult than 17-year-olds Phillip and Finn had hoped. It doesn’t help that their reputation as the “Murder Twins” precedes them, nor that they themselves can’t help but wonder if the public is right, that they ...

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About me
Emily lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her husband and two children and the calico cat that came out of nowhere, but hangs out under the car, seeing all.
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