E. A. Bagby

E. A. Bagby

Why did we come here?

E. A. Bagby

@eabagby -  Author

E. A.'s books

Episode 1 of the serialized epic novel, The Feigned Moon of Entiria: Giels has grown up believing he was destined for two things: One, becoming the Lead Storyteller of his tribe, and two, marrying his childhood sweetheart, Cleo. But all his carefully laid plans fall apart when their eccentric te...

Reality has taken a hard turn into the unknown. What do you do when hell isn't the dark world you imagined, but something much more unfathomable? As Giels reorients himself back to life after the disorienting adventure, his friends have a different plan. Everything that tortures him, inspires the...

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About me
After growing up on Star Wars and in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, like flying from Tatooine to the Death Star, his family moved him to a loft the center of Manhattan, in the early '80s. The transition colored his experience and stuck with him to eventually inspire his first novel.
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