Chevron @ChevronRoss

Chevron @ChevronRoss

Chevron @ChevronRoss

@chevronchevronross -  Author

Chevron's books

Len Holder thinks his mother is dead – until she reappears one morning in his living room. She doesn’t remember being dead. She’s just confused. And instead of her burial clothes, she’s wearing a Dallas Cowboys warmup suit. At seventy-eight, Len considers himself a failure. He spent years taki...

Live on Discovery

The Samaritan's Patient

Teenager Page Abernathy awakens from unconsciousness after a severe beating to find that she suffers from amnesia and everyone seems to hate her. She has only flashes of memory until the night a grieving parent, holding her responsible for his child’s suicide, attacks her in her hospital room....

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About me
Chevron Ross is a pseudonym for someone unimportant. He is not a writer, but God keeps putting ideas into his head that turn into stories. If you like them, be sure to offer God a prayer of thanks.
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