Thought Bubble
Blind in the instant darkness, Rai hurled himself toward the closed vault door and pounded as hard as he could. No, no, no! I can’t be boxed in. I can’t be. Do you hear me? I can’t be! Here he was, working on artificial wormholes, but not even that could get him out of this mess.
The surge of emotion rendered him exhausted in minutes. It seemed like hours heaped on top of his long workday, long week, and long month. He paused, grabbing his knees, his breath coming fast and furious. You silly sod, what are you doing? Now, think, you fool!
Once he had caught his breath, Rai gradually stood to his full height. He extended his fingers, stretching his raw knuckles, and slumped his back to the impenetrable door. He bumped the back of his head against the steel a few times, a tightness forming in his chest. I must not black out. I will not. He wrapped his arms about him, nursing the trembling sensation. Get a grip! Breathing is key, remember?
He had been here before as a child when potholing and almost suffocated alone in the dark. There had been a dank earthy smell then, which had permeated his clothes and hair. I didn’t die then. And I won’t die now.
A few deep breaths helped. Only the smell of old paper. Not really stuck, no. Not really.
He ran his ruined fingers through his short, spiky hair and slid down until he sat on the ice-cold surface, hugging his knees. He rested his chin there. Okay, that’s it, calm it down.
The next time the hermetically sealed vault could be opened again was at six in the morning, if anyone ventured to his loft office.
Breathing steadily, he smiled, remembering his NETcell in his back pocket. He typed a message to Blake. Mate, been bloody stupid. Stuck in my vault. Can you help? He had apps to pass the time while he waited for him to arrive. A short snort of laughter at his earlier foolishness broke the silence, and he hit send.
Seconds later, when the message failed, his eyes darted to his signal strength. “It’s just one night,” he muttered, but rather than projecting confidence, his voice betrayed him. Caught in my own Faraday cage.